Narottam P. Bansal, Prabhakar Singh, Sujanto Widjaja, Dileep's Advances in Solid Oxide Fuel Cells VII: Ceramic Engineering PDF

By Narottam P. Bansal, Prabhakar Singh, Sujanto Widjaja, Dileep Singh

This publication is a set of papers from the yankee Ceramic Society's thirty fifth overseas convention on complicated Ceramics and Composites, held in Daytona seashore, Florida, January 23-28, 2011. This factor contains papers awarded within the eighth overseas Symposium on strong Oxide gasoline Cells: fabrics, technology, and expertise on issues reminiscent of mobilephone and Stack improvement; Electrochemical/Mechanical/Thermal functionality; Electrodes; Interconnects; Novel Cell/Stack layout and Processing; and Reliability/Degradation.Content:

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The total resistanc e of the membrane-electrode-assembl y consists of the electrolyt e resistanc e (ohmic loss arising from the ionic resistivity in the solid electrolyte ) and the polarizatio n resistance s of the cathode and anode. The cathodic polarizatio n losses in the electrochemicall y active layer are defined by oxygen transpor t through the porous electrod e and the oxygen reductio n kinetics at the electrochemica l active sites called "three phase boundaries " (or TPB) due to the simultaneou s co-existenc e of three phases: electroni c conductor and ionic conductor as a solid phases and molecular oxygen in the gas phase.

We suppose that AHg2 doesn’t change very much in temperatur e range 700-850 C and therefor e the capacity is almost independen t on the temperature . = ’o,,K,;.. /. I )F Ü) The exchange current density at the catalyst surface can be calculate d using following expression often used in the liteartur e [9,10] to estimat e the exchange current density at TPB assuming surface exchange as rate controlling step: k:l=j-K («) here K - is the surface exchange rate of oxygen betwee n catalyst surface and gas phase and V m the molar volume of mixed oxide.

W. Grimes. Defect Cluster Formation in M203-Doped Ce02, S. S. I. 116, 339-49 (1999). 7 H. Yoshida, T. Inagaku, K. Miura, M . Inaba and Z. Ogumi, Density functiona l theory calculatio n on the effect of local structur e of doped ceria on ionic conductivity , S. S. 1,160,109-16 (2003). 8 F. Ye. T. Mori, D. R. Ou and A. N. Cormak, Dopant type dependenc y of domain developmen t in rare-earth doped ceria: An explanatio n by compute r simulation of defect clusters,S. S. , 180,1127-32 (2009). 9 H. Inaba and H.

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