Download e-book for iPad: Bioenvironmental and Public Health Statistics by Sen P., Rao C. (eds.)

By Sen P., Rao C. (eds.)

Instruction manual of Statistics.Vol.18In this quantity of the guide of information with the first specialize in bioenvironmental and public overall healthiness facts, a slightly off-beat procedure has been taken, in which biostatistical equipment which are proper to the dissemination of bioenvironmental and public wellbeing and fitness investigations were completely emphasized, and put facet via aspect with the fruitful purposes. One point of statistical technique that benefits distinct appraisal is the level of appropriateness of a few normal statistical instruments in such non-standard purposes, and lots more and plenty of the deliberation during this quantity is geared to replacement non-standard and alertness orientated method which were built to fit greater bioenvironmental and public health and wellbeing reports.

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A. a. s. a. s. a. s. a. s. a. ) Millions of dollars Region, country or territory 1980 1990 2000 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 WORLD 2 032 139 3 478 571 6 444 106 6 472 603 7 526 945 9 167 120 10 440 780 11 982 932 DEVELOPED ECONOMIES 1 327 573 2 506 381 4 229 833 4 237 872 4 884 506 5 761 155 6 291 932 7 085 021 DEVELOPING ECONOMIES 597 559 842 883 2 044 590 2 052 444 2 410 557 3 090 696 3 750 526 4 408 951 ECONOMIES IN TRANSITION 107 007 129 307 169 683 182 287 231 882 315 269 398 322 488 960 293 549 521 758 1 058 872 945 821 997 956 1 123 533 1 267 022 1 442 551 37 67 734 211 1 225 566 60 127 629 452 26 393 592 51 276 635 263 5 781 918 55 252 394 263 6 693 103 60 272 739 380 6 724 771 73 304 453 480 (e)7 818 520 49 359 399 405 (e)11 907 158 (p)25 (p)404 791 (p)1 037 320 135 979 299 157 510 653 446 073 503 601 604 293 637 675 690 989 5 538 130 441 11 576 287 581 31 404 479 249 29 347 416 726 31 784 471 817 38 618 565 675 42 770 594 905 46 449 (e)644 541 Developed economies: Europe 870 680 1 636 320 2 583 140 2 766 562 3 294 876 3 926 564 4 259 675 4 805 422 Austria* Belgium* Belgium-Luxembourg* Cyprus*(1) Czechoslovakia (former) (2) Czech Republic* Denmark*(3) Estonia*(4) Faeroe Islands Finland France* Germany, Dem.

S. s. a. a. s. a. s. a. s. a. s. a. ) Millions of dollars Region, country or territory 1980 1990 2000 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 WORLD 2 032 139 3 478 571 6 444 106 6 472 603 7 526 945 9 167 120 10 440 780 11 982 932 DEVELOPED ECONOMIES 1 327 573 2 506 381 4 229 833 4 237 872 4 884 506 5 761 155 6 291 932 7 085 021 DEVELOPING ECONOMIES 597 559 842 883 2 044 590 2 052 444 2 410 557 3 090 696 3 750 526 4 408 951 ECONOMIES IN TRANSITION 107 007 129 307 169 683 182 287 231 882 315 269 398 322 488 960 293 549 521 758 1 058 872 945 821 997 956 1 123 533 1 267 022 1 442 551 37 67 734 211 1 225 566 60 127 629 452 26 393 592 51 276 635 263 5 781 918 55 252 394 263 6 693 103 60 272 739 380 6 724 771 73 304 453 480 (e)7 818 520 49 359 399 405 (e)11 907 158 (p)25 (p)404 791 (p)1 037 320 135 979 299 157 510 653 446 073 503 601 604 293 637 675 690 989 5 538 130 441 11 576 287 581 31 404 479 249 29 347 416 726 31 784 471 817 38 618 565 675 42 770 594 905 46 449 (e)644 541 Developed economies: Europe 870 680 1 636 320 2 583 140 2 766 562 3 294 876 3 926 564 4 259 675 4 805 422 Austria* Belgium* Belgium-Luxembourg* Cyprus*(1) Czechoslovakia (former) (2) Czech Republic* Denmark*(3) Estonia*(4) Faeroe Islands Finland France* Germany, Dem.

A)25 540 .. .. (a)23 568 .. 2 713 211 1 320 29 983 914 2 319 357 1 072 29 723 1 035 3 024 470 1 260 36 482 1 574 3 467 697 1 829 46 146 1 949 4 395 650 2 071 51 626 1 744 (e)3 919 (e)727 (e)2 642 53 170 (e)1 818 Western Africa 33 530 23 263 30 893 30 391 37 630 46 827 59 221 65 693 Benin* Burkina Faso Cape Verde* Côte d'Ivoire* Gambia Ghana Guinea Guinea-Bissau Liberia* Mali* Mauritania* Niger* Nigeria Senegal* Sierra Leone* Togo* 63 90 4 3 135 31 1 257 401 11 600 205 194 566 25 934 477 224 338 288 152 6 3 072 31 891 671 19 2 207 359 447 283 13 671 762 138 268 392 206 11 3 888 15 1 671 666 62 329 545 355 283 21 174 920 13 363 448 245 11 5 275 13 1 860 709 54 176 875 332 279 18 573 1 067 49 427 541 321 13 5 788 12 2 562 609 65 109 928 318 352 24 047 1 257 92 616 568 479 15 6 919 22 2 739 726 76 104 977 368 437 31 148 1 510 139 601 569 347 18 7 488 (e)22 2 802 910 99 132 1 135 566 577 42 277 1 536 158 586 (e)434 (e)21 8 148 (e)3 599 (e)108 (e)1 354 (e)717 (e)610 (e)46 590 (e)1 645 (e)225 (e)610 111 224 143 801 361 101 346 571 380 642 470 518 566 842 679 988 22 356 11 661 18 984 15 925 18 022 21 431 25 268 30 947 26 ..

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