Download PDF by Ian Lloyd: Build Your Own Website The Right Way Using HTML & CSS (2nd

By Ian Lloyd

Build your individual web site definitely the right means utilizing HTML & CSS, second Edition teaches net improvement from scratch, with out assuming any prior wisdom of HTML, CSS or net improvement ideas. This publication introduces you to HTML and CSS as you keep on with besides the writer, step by step, to construct an absolutely practical website from the floor up.

notwithstanding, in contrast to numerous different "learn net design" books, this name concentrates on glossy, best-practice innovations from the very starting, this means that you'll get it correct the 1st time. the net websites you'll construct will:

Look stable on a computer, Mac or Linux laptop Render adequately even if your viewers are utilizing web Explorer, Firefox, Opera, or Safari Use net criteria so your websites could be speedy loading and straightforward to keep up Be available to disabled clients who use screenreaders to browse the internet
via the top of the booklet, you'll be outfitted with sufficient wisdom to set out in your first initiatives as a certified internet developer, otherwise you can easily use the information you've won to create appealing, useful, usable and available websites for private use.

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Sample text

Fully-fledged web development programs, such as Dreamweaver, will normally take care of these difficult parts of coding. com. Other head Elements Other items, such as CSS markup and JavaScript code, can appear in the head ele­ ment, but we’ll discuss these as we need them. The body Element Finally, we get to the place where it all happens. com/html/body/ Your First Web Pages The Most Basic Web Page in the World Actually, that heading’s a bit of a misnomer: we’ve already shown you the most basic page—the one without any content.

NoteTab Light’s tabbed interface Firefox As mentioned in the Preface, Firefox is a very popular alternative to Internet Explorer and, as we proceed through this book, it will be our browser of choice for a number of reasons. As with NoteTab, Firefox offers a tabbed interface that helps keep your computer free from window clutter. 7. 7. Firefox—this creature is worth hunting down Mac OS X Tools It is true that there are fewer free programs available for the Mac operating system than there are for Windows.

So, what tools do you need? ■ The primary—and most basic—tool that you’ll need is a text editor; a program that allows you to edit plain text files. You’ll use this to write your web pages. ■ Once you’ve written a web page, you can see how it looks in a web browser—that’s the application you use to view web sites. ■ Finally, when you’re happy with your new web page, you can put it on the Internet using an FTP client—a utility that allows you to transfer files across the Internet using the File Transfer Protocol.

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