By Jon R. Mancuso
"Second version offers new fabric on coupling rankings, normal goal couplings as opposed to detailed goal couplings, retrofitting of lubricated couplings to nonlubricated couplings, torsional damping couplings, torquemeter couplings, and more."
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The Disciplines for Flexible Coupling Applications There are three disciplines for thc application of flexible couplings: 1 . The miniature discipline, which covers couplings used for office machines, servomechanisms, instrumentation, light machinery, and so on: a. 11) b. 1 1 Miniature nonlubricated gear coupling. 12 Miniature urethane ribbon elastomeric coupling. ) c. 13) d. 14) e. 15) 2. The general-purpose industrial disciplinc. which covers couplings used in the steel industry. the pctrochcmical industry.
When the coupling fails, usually only the elastomeric element is replaced, 2. 26) also have their elastomeric elements in shear. They use a reinforced element (similar to belted auto tires). 22 Vehicle U-joint. is greater per unit outside diameter than that of the urethane tire type. Most small and some medium-sized equipment applications use corded tire couplings. 3. 27) have their elastomeric elements in shear. They provide low torsional stiffness and low reactionary forces. Oversizing can lead to premature failure by wearing of the engaging teeth rather than material failure flexing.
Emerson Power Transmission Corporation). (E) Block-type universal joint (courtesy of Kop-Flex Inc. Emerson Power Transmission Corporation). , Emerson Power Transmission Corporation). 7 Continued. 7 Continued. 7 Continued. 22 Chapter 1 Many of the flexible couplings used today will be around for years. As with the ancestor of flexible couplings, the universal joint, technological improvements in materials, design (such as FEA), and manufacturing will help upgrade couplings so they can handle the everincreasing needs and demands of power transmission equipment.