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By Lyn Gala

Being condemned to slavery is a standard sufficient incidence at the desolate tract planet of Livre, yet this time, priest Shan Polli is decided to avoid the corrupt, soul-eating approach from destroying another lifestyles. Temar Grazer used to be sentenced for what amounted to a felony prank-but Shan quickly unearths that the hazards expand a ways past Temar's crime. stuck among guilt and desire, Shan needs to locate his real direction in both the priesthood or in a guy whose power and survival defies the percentages. Can the 2 males get to the bottom of a plot that threatens the complete global ahead of Temar is damaged by means of a procedure of slavery that has twisted uncontrolled?

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They already refused, and this is not the place for a debate.? t refuse. He only said we had to wait until season-end, for the regular session.? Temar bit his tongue before he started shouting in frustration. t want to get caught. He doubted Cyla had considered that, however. Sometimes she was a little less than logical in how she approached life, and it drove him insane. t get her to see reason. t seem exactly fair. s land. It was like her request for a special council meeting. If Cyla had listened to him before she stormed off to talk to Naite Polli, Temar would have told her that she was making a mistake.

Temar closed his eyes and struggled to breathe. They were going to exile them. His legs turned so weak that, had his knees not been locked, he would have fallen to the ground. Young Temar, your sister will get no worse punishment than you.? Lilian stepped up in front of him, and Temar studied her feet and the worn cuffs on her jeans. His father had always spoken so highly of Landholder Freeland, of her ability to run a farm and command respect and ride a tractor through a sandstorm. d risked her health with no fewer than seven children on a world where water and medicine were both far too rare, and she was like a sandrat that kept living, no matter the odds against it.

A month ago, he would have railed against ever being enslaved, but right now, it felt like a great stroke of luck. Not all of the faces in the room looked particularly happy, though. s and a white streak in her black hair, watched him with a guarded expression. d ever had to be an artisan was gone. d likely be an unskilled worker for the rest of his life. That was still better than exile. t even bother to hide his unhappiness with the judgment. Shan was a smaller version of his brother. Where Naite was a monster of a man, Shan was tall and sinewy… and intimidating.

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