Charles, K J's A Fashionable Indulgence PDF

By Charles, K J

A primary publication of the Society of gents sequence, a Regency m/m romance trilogy that includes radical politics, severe waistcoats, kink, conspiracy, type divide, occasional homicide and loads of gin. during this, younger radical Harry Vane is whisked out of poverty to be become a gentleman, with the reluctant reduction of dandy Julius Norreys. yet issues don’t cross completely to plan...

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He had a fringe of white hair encircling a pink scalp, long fingers that he liked to steeple, shrewd eyes of faded blue. His coat was the severe black of deep mourning, his linens spotless. Harry felt, as he had from the beginning, scruffy, poor, and entirely out of place. The clock ticked. “Richard said he would be here at eleven o’clock,” Gideon observed. It was twenty-five minutes past the hour. Harry was torn between fear and hope that his older, intimidating, titled cousin wouldn’t come at all.

Do have some human sentiment,” Dominic snapped. ” “He’s not that bad,” Richard said. “His father had a proper upbringing, after all, and his mother was well educated for a woman of her station. But he needs to be taught to comport himself in society. ” Dominic asked doubtfully. ” Richard’s tone made it clear that no other consideration need apply. ” Richard towered over the other Ricardians, standing a good three inches above six feet with a well-set pair of shoulders, and he accordingly attached what Julius considered a quite misplaced importance to a man’s build.

I’ll hire one,” Gideon said. ” Mr. Norreys gave Lord Richard a little nod, “Very well. ” Harry almost yelped. ” Mr. Norreys frowned. “À la Titus, I think. Then a visit to—do you know, I think we will honor Mr. Cheney with our patronage. ” Lord Richard smiled reassuringly at Harry. “I have a small place in Edgware, not far north of London. I thought you might come down for a few weeks, Harry. A little privacy in which Julius can advise you, and take your measure in the way of fashion. Though I trust he won’t abuse his power.

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