David L. Smith's Constitutional Royalism and the Search for Settlement, PDF

By David L. Smith

"Constitutional Royalism" is without doubt one of the so much common but least frequently tested of the entire political labels present in the historiography of the English Revolution. This ebook fills a spot by way of investigating the prime Constitutional royalists who rallied to King Charles I in 1642 whereas regularly urging him to arrive an "accommodation" with Parliament. those royalists' early careers display dedication to the rule of thumb of legislations and a relative loss of "godly" zeal have been the attribute predictors of Constitutional royalism within the Civil battle. Such attitudes clarify why a lot of them criticized the guidelines of the King's own rule, but in addition why they joined the King in 1642 and attempted to accomplish a negotiated cost thereafter.

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MP. The main printed diaries of the Long Parliament are: D'Ewes (N); D'Ewes (C); P/, I—III; and Two Diaries. The main MS diaries are found listed in the Bibliography, under British Library and Bodleian Library. Bodl. , MSS Dep. c. 152-76 (Nalson MS); MSS Tanner 51-66 (letters and papers). PRO, SP 16 and 23 respectively. Introduction: themes, debates, sources 15 very problematic source. Their purpose was often to persuade as much as to inform, and many of their statements can be shown from other documents to be distorted or false.

This was the broad backdrop against which Constitutional Royalism emerged during the 1640s. But before we turn to reconstruct its development in detail, we must first take stock of how the above discussion affects our view of England in the later 1630s. 1 am not trying to resurrect the idea of a 'high road to civil war', charting its course from March 1625. 98 There is no reason to doubt the sincerity of contemporary descriptions of England during the 1630s as peaceful and orderly, at any rate on the surface.

As he put it in 1640: These meetings and assemblies were in theirfirstoriginall and in the practise of all succeeding ages ordained and held as pledges and testimonies of affection between the King and his people, the King for his part graciously hearing and reddressing such grievances as his people in humble and dutifull manner shall represent unto him, and the subjects on their part ... 56 51 52 53 54 56 Richard Cust, The Forced Loan and English Politics, 1626-1628 (Oxford, 1987), pp. 325-8; cf.

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