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By Stephanie Kermes (auth.)

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Like many other travelers, the New Englander Benjamin Silliman was quite pleased with the comfort and hospitality of the region's overnight accommodations and praised them as comparable to England's. " Englishman William Strickland agreed only in part. He found New England accommodations very comfortable, but indicated that European inns offered a higher standard. Probably like many tourists, he nevertheless praised New England lodgings because they exceeded his expectations by far.!? Other English travelers confirmed Silliman's favorable comparison of the New England inns with European inns, adding that New England accommodations were superior to anything offered in the NEW ENGLANDIZING AMERICA <> 25 South.

Strikingly visible in the 24 ~ CREATING AN AMERICAN IDENTITY first settlement ofNew England," because God prevented the Indians from attacking them and "the ferocious natives . v" With their description of America and New England as a wilderness and their emphasis on the process of civilization, New England historians supported the image of New England and America drawn by artists, poets, and travelers as a middle landscape between overcivilized Europe and savage Native America . They wanted traditional Puritan virtues to playa role in shaping the new collective identity, to add a traditional element to the new republican virtues.

To New Englanders and their visitors the rugged American landscape suggested that in contrast to Europe the United States was free of corruption. But some American travelers were ambivalent toward this wilderness. In 1809, Elias Boudinot journeyed from his home in Burlington, New Jersey, to Boston to visit some friends. Together they hiked New Hampshire's White Mountains. The former congressman had mixed 26 .. "? Elias Boudinot was the descendant ofa Huguenot immigrant family, a prominent and wealthy member of early Republican society.

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