Advances in Cryptology — CRYPTO ’87: Proceedings by Wyn L. Price (auth.), Carl Pomerance (eds.) PDF

By Wyn L. Price (auth.), Carl Pomerance (eds.)

This e-book is the lawsuits of CRYPTO '87, one in a sequence of annual meetings dedicated to cryptologic learn. CRYPTO '87 was once attended by means of one hundred seventy humans representing 19 nations. The papers during this quantity are provided in seven sections. the 1st six sections contain the entire papers at the ordinary application, together with papers that weren't awarded on the assembly. The 7th part includes a few of the papers provided at a "Rump Session". the most sections take care of the subsequent themes: verbal exchange networks and criteria; protocols; key distribution structures; public key structures; layout and research of cryptographic platforms; and functions.

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So she sends T . Step 6 Bob sends to Alice one random bit e (a new one). Step 7 Alice follows the basic Fiat-Shamir protocol and answers what was asked. ) to do that because she knows Jm Step 8 Bob vefies. In the case that e = 0 in Step 2, Daisy will later be able to receive the message M (if the ping-pong protocol was not halted at that stage (after Step 4)). From now on we assume that we are in the case e = 0 (in Step 2) and that the basic FiatShamir protocol was not M t e d after Step 4. It is important to remark that Daisy also knows that e was 0 and so knows in which case she is.

He does not want that others ( e . g . , the warden) detect what is going on. General solutions will be proposed in which we assume that the receiver of the subliminal channel does not collaborate with others to help them in detecting that a subliminal channel was used. This seems a very reasonable assumption. Also in Simmons case [17] the same assumption is valid without being mentioned by Simmons, similarly in [HI. In [6] the general solutioru will be proven to be secure against detection of their use and against revealing ( a part) o f the identification secret by using reasonable assumptions, such as the assumption of no collaboration by the receiver (or by the sender) to help others to detect the subliminal channel or to prove that it has been used, the assumption that factorization is hard and that it is infeasible to detect if a number q (for which the Jacobi symbol ( q I n ) = 1) is a quadratic residue (mod n ) (without the collaboration of the center or others who knows the factorization of n).

The notion is similar to the one presented in [ 9 ] ,but we limit the interaction to an initial phase, separate from the actual opening of the bits. We also present an adaptive version where the bits to be revealed anz decided on-line by the verifier. and a public input x are given. W)E Q. For example, the witness can be a certificate of the membership of x in an NP language. The possession of the witness can be proved using a minimum-knowledge simulation of the computation of the predicate Q. Similarly, the prover can demonstrate that he has a wimess w either to the fact that X E L or to the fact that x e L, where L E NP n CO-I”, without revealing to the verifier which is the case.

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