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By Justin A. Daniels

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Carbon Credits one of the world‘s largest traded commodities, The Wits Business School Journal, Oct - Dec, 50 -52. DEAT, (2005, 17 November 2007). m=172. DEAT, (2006). South Africa Environmental Outlook: A report on the state of the environment, Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism, Johannesburg. Dudek, D. & Weiner, J. (1996). Joint Implementation, transaction costs and climate change, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, Paris. Ehlers, C. & Wiekert, M. (2006). CDM-Market Brief South Africa, German Office for Foreign Trade, Cologne.

INTRODUCTION Environmental data are being collected around the globe using monitoring stations and satellites that are spread over different geographic regions. Researchers are using the collected data for environmental management including planning and decision-making. However, environmental managers need information at locations/regions that are not covered by the monitoring stations for impact and exposure studies. Techniques of interpolation ranging from simple ratio methods to complex mathematical equations are being used to achieve this task.

These point data are displayed as interpolated surfaces for 34 Arjun Akkala, Vijay Devabhaktuni and Ashok Kumar qualitative interpretation. In addition to qualitative research, these interpolated surfaces can also be used in quantitative research towards reduction of cancer caused by Radon inhalation. When an interpolated surface is used as part of a larger research project, both the method and accuracy of the interpolation technique become critical and need to match the requirements (Akkala et al.

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