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By Christof Mauersberger

This e-book examines democratizing media reforms in Latin the United States. the writer explains why a few nations have lately handed such reforms within the broadcasting region, whereas others haven't. by way of providing a civil society viewpoint, the writer strikes past traditional bills that understand media reforms basically as a kind of presidency repression to punish oppositional media. as a substitute, he highlights the pioneering function of civil society coalitions, that have controlled to revitalize the controversy on verbal exchange rights and translated them into particular regulatory results corresponding to the merchandising of group radio stations. The e-book presents an in-depth, comparative research of media reform debates in Argentina and Brazil (analyzing Chile and Uruguay as complementary cases), supported by means of unique qualitative learn. As such, it advances our figuring out of ways transferring strength family and social forces are affecting policymaking in Latin the USA and beyond.

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First, a central characteristic of media products and services—in contrast to “normal” goods—is that they have negligible marginal costs but high fixed and production costs. To produce a movie, grab a high-quality radio feature, or operate a network of political correspondents demands high investments. But to produce another DVD copy, broadcast the same radio feature on a different station, or integrate a live interview of your own correspondent in the news is very cheap. Consequently, markets with these characteristics are structurally prone to horizontal and vertical integration, forming monopolistic structures (Hart 2004: 9, 18).

Cabral, A. V. (2011). Social participation and decision-making process in communications in Brazil: The 1 national conference on communications. Journal of Latin American Communication Research, 1(2), 100–115. , & Carpentier, N. ). (2007). Reclaiming the Media. Communication Rights and Democratic Media Roles. Bristol: Intellect. Canovan, M. (1999). Trust the people! Populism and the two faces of democracy. Political Studies, 47(1), 2–16. Curran, J. (1991). Rethinking the media as a public sphere.

Crucial for the critical perspective is to view mass media not as neutral actors coordinating the demand and supply of opinions on the marketplace of ideas, but rather as power actors that shape political and social realities. The public sphere cannot be assumed a priori to be democratic; rather, this characteristic must be created politically (Dahlgren 1995; Garnham 2000a: 168f). 1 Mass Media and Democracy: From the Public Sphere to Broadcasting Regulation 23 democracy, “they are not seen as just passively expressing or reflecting social phenomena, or as sites where discourses merely circulate, but as specific machineries and ‘systems of dispersion’ (Foucault 1984: 37–38) that produce, reproduce and transform social phenomena” (Cammaerts and Carpentier 2007: xiii).

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