Download e-book for kindle: Agile Virtual Enterprises: Implementation and Management by Goran Putnik Goran D. Putnik

By Goran Putnik Goran D. Putnik

Agile/virtual firm (A/VE) is visible as a brand new and so much complicated organizational paradigm, and is predicted to function a car in the direction of a unbroken ideal alignment of the company in the industry. Agile digital agencies: Implementation and administration aid addresses A/VE as a hugely dynamic, reconfigurable agile community of autonomous organisations sharing all assets, together with wisdom, marketplace, and buyers; utilizing particular organizational architectures that introduce the corporations precise digital environments.

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Extra info for Agile Virtual Enterprises: Implementation and Management Support

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Communications ACM, 30(6), 484-497. McFarlan, F. W. (1984). Information technology changes the way you compete. Harvard Business Review, 62(3), 98-103. Meyer, K. E. (1998). Multinational enterprises and the emergence of markets and networks in transition economies (Working Paper Nº 12). Copenhagen: Copenhagen Business School, Center for East European Studies. Miles, R. , & Snow, C. C. (1984). Fit, failure and the hall of fame. California Management Review, 26, 10-28. Miles, R. , & Snow, C. C. (1986).

2000). BM_Virtual enterprise architecture reference model. In A. ), Agile manufacturing: 21st century manufacturing strategy (pp. 73-93). UK: Elsevier Science. Putnik, G. D. (2002). Part I - Towards an OPIM system: Manufacturing SME organization for the future. Int. J. Networking and Virtual Organizations, 1(2), 125-150. Putnik, G. , & Silva, S. C. (1995). One-product-integrated-manufacturing. In L. M. Camarinha-Matos & H. ), Balanced automation systems - Architectures and design methods (pp. 45-52).

The concept of strategic alignment between any business policy or strategy and any kind of technology is an essential one. The driving force of business is to fully satisfy customers each time more demanding, each time more global, with products each time more customised to their individual needs, in an environment extremely competitive. At the same time, although the constant stream of innovations in goods and services allows manufacturers and service providers to offer better/higher quality products, it increases customers’ expectations, and thus requires high levels of competition.

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