Maurice R. Berube's American Presidents and Education: (Contributions to the PDF

By Maurice R. Berube

The position of the president of the U.S. in regard to schooling replaced considerably following the top of global warfare II. because the U.S. economic system turned extra subtle and the rustic emerged because the dominant technological and global strength, the call for for an informed workforce elevated. during this paintings, Maurice R. Berube bargains the 1st entire research of the involvement of yankee presidents in academic coverage, tracing the efforts of administrations from Washington to Bush, and chronicling the nationwide and foreign pressures to form academic guidelines that experience characterised the post-World struggle II period. Berube's paintings takes the shape of a coverage research as he analyzes presidential courses in schooling, the explanations for his or her implementation, and their correlation to nationwide academic results. starting with the delivery of the presidency, he examines winning courses that had a substantial impression and no more winning efforts that have been major both ideologically or as forerunners of destiny guidelines. The constitutional constraints of the president's position in schooling are explored, in addition to fresh advancements together with the company presidency and the rhetorical presidency. one of the different matters addressed are schooling and the financial system and the federal and country constitutions' perspectives of a correct to schooling. This paintings might be a special and precious source for college kids of presidential background, the politics of schooling, and modern matters in schooling, in addition to a huge addition to public and educational library collections.

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His main credentials as an education president rest with his efforts outside the presidential office. A scholar, architect, linguist and an archaeologist, Jefferson epitomized the new man of the Enlightenment. "33 Jefferson's emphasis on education was well ahead of his time, and his plan for schooling in his native state of Virginia was radical for its day. He proposed that both boys and girls attend schools. "34 The Jefferson proposal called for a "hundred schools" that students could attend for the first three years at no cost.

Thomas Jefferson, The Writings of Thomas Jefferson, vol. : Taylor and Maury, 1856), p. 110. 42. Joseph F. Kett, "Thomas Jefferson and Education," in Thomas Jefferson: A Reference Biography, ed. Merrill D. Peterson (New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1986), p. 240. 43. Cremin, American Education: The National Experience, p. 114. 44. Kett, "Thomas Jefferson and Education," p. 250. 45. Ibid. 46. Ibid. 47. As quoted in Cremin, American Education: The National Experience, p. 137. 48. , The Statesmanship of Andrew Jackson: As Told in His Writings and Speeches (New York: Tandy and Thomas, 1909), p.

However, Congress reacted sharply to the LincolnJohnson leniency in Reconstruction by reinstituting national control to a large degree. EDUCATION AND THE GILDED AGE Despite the economic prosperity brought by the Industrial Revolution after the Civil War, American presidents did not realize, for the most part, the importance of education to the economy. Indeed, President James Garfield, for example, saw little value in the agricultural state colleges created by the Morrill Land Grant Act. It was not until the emergence of World War I that Wilson perceived the importance of an educated work force for America's economy.

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