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By Terrance Dicks

Dekker is a personal eye; a decent one. but if Al Capone hires him to enquire a brand new joint referred to as 'Doc's', he is aware this is often one activity he cannot refuse. And simply why are the health care provider and Ace promoting unlawful booze in a city packed with murderous gangsters?
Meanwhile, Bernice has been deserted on a vampire-infested planet outdoors common house. There she meets a mysterious stranger known as Romanadvoratrelundar -- and discovers an historic and malevolent energy, linking 1929 Chicago with a lair of immortal evil.

The results of this tale are inextricably associated with occasions within the Doctor's prior.

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Trapped at the centre of the hollow square, Varis grabbed for the dagger in his belt - and froze when the cold metal of Bernice's blaster touched his ear. Ivo raised his voice. "You're dealing with free men here, Captain, not a rabble of frightened farmers. We've beaten the Black Guard before, and we outnumber you. " "But you will, I promise," said Bernice, jabbing Varis's ear with the blaster. The most extraordinary feeling was creeping over her. She found herself hoping Varis would decide to make a fight of it.

It was in the woods that things got seriously nasty. It was really dark between the trees now and Bernice could see shapes gliding and swooping in the shadows. Bats! Suddenly she realized that there was a dark cloud of them above her head - and the cloud was getting thicker. The bats were making an odd high-pitched chittering sound. They started diving down at her, swirling about her head, and Bernice felt a sudden irrational fear that one of them would get caught in her hair. She started to run, pounding blindly along the forest path.

Tell your men to move back, towards the woods. " Varis didn't speak, and Bernice had a sudden fierce desire to press the firing stud. It faded almost at once but Varis must have seen the lust to kill in her eyes. In a high quavering voice he shouted, "Strap the body to my saddle and then pull back to the edge of the woods. I'll join you there. " Reluctantly the guardsmen obeyed. Wrapping their dead comrade's body in a cloak, they strapped it to Varis's saddle and then cantered slowly back down the road.

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