Download PDF by Ernst Malmsten, Erik Portanger, Charles Drazin: Boo Hoo: A Dot.Com Story from Concept to Catastrophe

By Ernst Malmsten, Erik Portanger, Charles Drazin

Boo hoo is a gripping, insider's account of the increase and fall of this so much arguable of web startups - a world, on-line save of activities and fashion designer outfits.

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So at twelve, young Joshua, as Jesus was called, would already know the written script of the Aramaic language spoken throughout Israel at this time and much of the Middle East, an ancient language very close to Hebrew. The Jews wrote Aramaic with the same alphabet as Hebrew, and many Hebraic words and phrases had been incorporated into their local dialect of JudeoAramaic. Thus, it would not be long before Joshua was bilingual in Hebrew and Aramaic; and soon enough, he would add knowledge of the Hellenistic Greek that was the official language of the country.

Like Jesus, the Pharisaic school of Hillel was devoted to love of one’s neighbors, whatever their origin. Hillel had expounded upon the concept of lovingkindness rooted in the Hebrew Bible, interpreting it as God’s love, and Jesus plumbed its depth: one’s enemies, too, must be loved. Yet this form of inverting a principle was familiar in the midrashic sayings of rabbis, and the method went back through the Hebrew prophets to Moses and his God. ” And among the Jewish Essene writings that Jesus studied and that we can now examine in the recovered Dead Sea Scrolls, unambiguous parallels to loving one’s enemies have been discovered.

There were hundreds of princesses at the Egyptian court—daughters and sisters, along with their families—who had married into the royal caste or been born there. The princess who had found Moses, along with her family and servants, would bring Moses up among this elite, educated Royal class. He would be sent to school along with many other children of the court, and like them he would also have his private tutors. And just as his Hebrew mother, Miriam, had been hired to nurse the child, it is natural to expect that among his tutors would be at least one Hebrew—even if just to translate between Miriam and the others.

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