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By Elizabeth Ann Scarborough

Elizabeth Ann Scarborough maintains the story of Cleopatra's resurrection because the Queen of the Nile's DNA is mixed with today's hosts. during this compelling new mystery, forensic anthropologist Leda Hubbard and Egyptologist Gabriella Farouk-Cleopatra 7.1 and 7.2 respectively-face recriminations from the U.S. executive for unlawful DNA blendings--as good because the stable and in poor health results of enjoying host to an Egyptian Queen.

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To make up for the age discrepancy, but otherwise he could use it all. He turned his attention to the business cards. Abdul Mohammed, Antiquities Consultant, Abdul Mohammed, Antiquities Consultant. Two of them. This was no doubt the dude with the job. The third said simply, Chimera, Nucor, and an address on a corporate Greek island. He started to toss it, then stuck it back in the wallet. He'd hang on to it, just for grins. You never knew what might come in useful. He found the address of Galen's lodgings stuck inside the passport and moved his stuff over there after seeing that nobody was going to question him.

I've got this dress," Leda said, looking down at the purple-sprigged number which by now looked as if she had worn it on a campout instead of to a funeral. Cleopatra's silence said as much. " Leda told her. "And I have lots of jewels. They're out in Rusti's garage somewhere. Packed. " "So was meeting Caesar. So was meeting Antony. Business, both meetings. I did not dress to please myself. I dressed to impress upon those I was meeting that I was a wealthy and formidable queen whom they would do well to impress.

You are very devious," I congratulated her. 'I have another idea you're going to like," she said. "As you have gathered, I am not much for buying clothing unless it is purple or has a cartoon logo across the front of it. My sister, on the other hand, is a clotheshorse. We are approximately the same size, give or take a diet here and there. " Following this pronouncement, an evil cackle escaped our lips as we hastened to pillage the closest wardrobe. Garment upon colorful garment was pulled from its hanger and held before us.

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