Jiina mejkalová's Cold War Books in the Other Europe and What Came After PDF

By Jiina mejkalová

Drawing on analyses of the socio-cultural context of East and primary Europe, with a distinct specialize in the Czech cultural dynamics of the chilly warfare and its aftermath, this e-book bargains a examine of the making and breaking of the centrally-controlled method of publication construction and reception. It explores the social, fabric and symbolic replica of the broadcast textual content, in either legitimate and replacement spheres, and styles of dissemination and analyzing. construction on archival learn, statistical information, media analyses, and in-depth interviews with the contributors of the post-1989 de-centralization and privatization of the publication international, it revisits the verified notions of 'censorship' and 'revolution' with a view to discover people's performances that contributed to either the replica and erosion of the 'old regime'.

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Download e-book for iPad: Cold War Books in the Other Europe and What Came After by Jiina mejkalová

Drawing on analyses of the socio-cultural context of East and vital Europe, with a unique concentrate on the Czech cultural dynamics of the chilly battle and its aftermath, this publication deals a learn of the making and breaking of the centrally-controlled process of ebook creation and reception. It explores the social, fabric and symbolic copy of the broadcast textual content, in either legit and substitute spheres, and styles of dissemination and studying.

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I – IX [Prints 1501–1800]; Vol. V edited by Dr. František Horák (Prague: Státní tiskárna, Národní knihovna, 1939–1967). 6 The first attempts to compile a Czech national bibliography, made by the two key figures of the Czech National Revival, Josef Dobrovský and Josef Jungmann, in the late 18th and early 19th centuries, suffered from the fact that these two individuals carried out much of this mammoth task on their own. Also, Jungmann – who worked with the catalogues of several Prague major libraries – admitted that he had never actually held in his own hands many of the volumes he drew excerpts from, and he had to rely on ‘second-hand’ references to them.

59 But even in his radical call for ‘party literature’ in 1905, Lenin was still willing to assure his audiences that he and his political peers were not going to “advocate any kind of standardised system, or a solution by means of a few decrees … Emerging from the captivity of the feudal censorship, we have no desire to become, and shall not become, prisoners of bourgeois-shopkeeper literary relations. We want to establish, and we shall establish, a free press, free not simply from the police, but also from capital, from careerism, and what is more, free from bourgeois-anarchist individualism”.

ID=5096_201&ID2=DO_TOPIC, (accessed 25 May 2006). what do we know about (totalitarian) books? 25 multiply them by the number of estimated print runs. In other words, the construction of knowledge about books and related issues, such as reading and literacy, is and has always been a complicated endeavour. It was not until the beginning of the 20th century that countries in the Euro-American region started compiling representative national bibliographies, most of which, however, did not include works produced by any techniques other than print.

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