Download e-book for iPad: Computers in Applied Linguistics: An International by Martha C Pennington, Vance C. Stevens

By Martha C Pennington, Vance C. Stevens

The publication combines in a single quantity details on particular machine purposes with dialogue of theoretical and methodological concerns by means of famous professionals in linguistics, language instructing, and moment language acquisition. it truly is for that reason anticipated to be of worth not just to linguists, but additionally to academics, researchers and software program designers operating in English or in different languages.

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McCLELLAND, & the PDP RESEARCH GROUP (eds), Parallel Distributed Processing: Explorations in the Microstructures of Cognition. Vol. I, Foundations. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press; pp. 3-44. MCKINLEY, A. & A. RAGAN (1984) TALES OF DISCOVERY. New York: Scholastic. MILLMORE, S. & V. STEVENS (1990) SUPER CLOZE. Shareware available from TESOL/CALL-IS MS-DOS User's Group. MOORE, O. & A. ANDERSON (1969) Some principles for the design of clarifying educational environments. Reprinted in C. GREENBLAT & R. DUKE (eds), Gaming-simulation: Rationale, Design, and Applications.

In A. ), Trends in Language Teaching. New York: McGraw-Hill. CHAPELLE, C. & J. JAMIESON (1986) Computer-assisted language learning as a predictor of success in acquiring English as a second language, TESOL Quarterly, 20: 1, 27-46. COOK, V. (1988) Designing a BASIC parser for CALL, CALICO Journal, 6: 1, 50-67. , A. CECCHINI, A. COGTE, D. SAUNDERS & A. DELLA PLANE (eds), (1988) Simulation-gaming in Education and Training. Oxford: Pergamon. CROOKALL, D. A. & R. OXFORD (eds), (1988) Language Learning Through Simulation.

Bailin & Thomson, 1988; Cook, 1988), the level of communication that users of present-day software can expect is limited. ELIZA, for instance, figures heavily in Underwood's (1984) book on communicative CALL in a chapter entitled 'The computer as a communicative environment'. ELIZA is a program designed to emulate an empathic listener. Not unexpectedly, however, ELIZA has no comprehension whatsoever of what the user tries to tell it, but works by locating key words in user input and fishing questions and statements from its database in reaction to these.

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