Download e-book for iPad: Culture and Health: A Critical Perspective Towards Global by Malcolm MacLachlan

By Malcolm MacLachlan

So much Western overall healthiness pros perform in multicultural societies. The effect of tradition on disorder, healthiness and rehabilitation is consequently extremely important. regardless of this, so much decrease point healthiness psychology texts skim over those transformations and suppose our conventional biomedical technique could be acceptable for all. during this thoroughly revised and up-to-date variation of a groundbreaking publication, Malcolm MacLachlan redresses the stability by means of displaying how social and cultural elements have interaction with the in basic terms actual: from evaluate and remedy all through to results on rehabilitation.

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1998, p. 13). In a sense, then, cultures give people a role to play: distracting them from the anxiety of worrying about what they fear most. Cultures provide recipes for immortality, either symbolically (such as amassing great fortunes that out-survive their originator) or spiritually (such as going to heaven). While sticking to the ‘rules’ and interpretations of your culture can ensure immortality, it has an equally important ‘hereand-now’ function: The resulting perception that one is a valuable member of a meaningful universe constitutes self-esteem; and self-esteem is the primary psychological mechanism by which culture serves its death-denying function.

This effect applies not just to treatments but to clinicians as well. When a patient and a clinician come from different cultural groups, this may influence the degree of faith that a patient has in the treatment offered and in the clinician who is offering it. A faith grid can chart the interaction between clinician and patient. Another aspect of the process of treatment concerns what sort of information is shared between clinician and client. A cultural difference in diagnostic disclosure (whether clinicians tell their clients the true diagnosis that they have made) is an example of this.

Lydia Oluloro asked for ‘cultural asylum’ in the USA from her native Nigeria and Yoruba tradition of female circumcision. Lydia had been 26 CULTURE AND HEALTH married to a fellow Nigerian, Emmanuel, who held a US residency permit. After their divorce Emmanuel had failed to complete the necessary paperwork to allow Lydia and their two US-born children – Shade aged 6 and Lara aged 5 – to remain in the USA. One of the grounds for divorce was given as Emmanuel’s repeated beatings of the children. Lydia, who had been given custody of the children, saw herself as caught between leaving the children with an abusive father or bringing them to an ‘abusive culture’.

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