Daniels'running formula: second edition by Jack Daniels PDF

By Jack Daniels

Get within the most sensible form of your working profession with the scientifically dependent education in Daniels' operating formulation!

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If the runner being tested completes three or four submax tests (at increasingly faster speeds, up to about 10K race pace or a little faster) and then performs a “max” test, the resulting response picture is useful for determining current training, and even competitive intensities of running. · VO2Max In the max test, the runner starts running at the same pace as the final submax test (about current 10K race pace). He or she holds this speed constant for two minutes on a treadmill (or for one lap on a 400-meter track).

The way a runner achieves these physiological goals of training is to apply the right type of training for the job at hand. ” But all too often these “new” methods of training are just old methods with new names. I’m as guilty as anyone else in this regard. For example, I’ve referred to what I like to call “nonstructured interval training,” which is nothing more than fartlek training. I should be ashamed of myself, after studying sport for a year in Sweden and understanding fartlek training about as well as any coach outside that country’s borders.

1 Zone Types of Training, with Purpose, Intensity, and Duration per Session Purpose Intensity · % VO2max % HRmax Varieties Duration (min or % week’s mileage) E (easy) Promote desirable cell changes and develop cardiovascular system 59-74% 65-79% Warm-up Cool-down Recovery run Recovery within a workout Long run 10-30 min 10-30 min 30-60 min Up to several min Up to lesser of 150 min and 25% of the week’s total mileage M (marathon race pace) Experience racepace conditions for marathoners; as an alternative easy pace for others 75-84% 80-90% Steady run or long repeats Up to lesser of 90 min and 16 miles T (threshold) Improve endurance 83-88% 88-92% Tempo runs or cruise intervals I (intervals) Stress aerobic power (V·O2max) 95-100% 98-100% V·O2max intervals Tempo runs: 20-60 min Cruise intervals: repeated runs of up to 15 min each with 1/5 run time for rest; total lesser of 10% week’s mileage and 60 min Stress aerobic system at race pace Race pace Race-pace intervals Repeated runs of up to 1/4 race distance, equal or less time for rests; total lesser of 10K and 2 to 3  race distance Improve speed and economy Mile race pace Pace reps and strides Repeated runs of up to 2 min each, full recoveries; total lesser of 5 miles and 5% of week’s total mileage Fast and controlled (race pace or faster) Speed reps and fast strides Repeated runs of up to 1 min each, full recoveries; total up to 2,000m R (reps) Repeated runs of up to 5 min each with equal or less time of jog recoveries; total lesser of 10K and 8% of the week’s total mileage HR cannot be used in R zone because it’s not possible to record heart rates greater than 100% of HRmax.

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