Download e-book for iPad: Data Acquisition by Michele Vadursi

By Michele Vadursi

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The external synchronization requires consistency within the network and in respect to the externally provided system time. The internal synchronization is the synchronization shared only among the clocks inside the network, without a predetermined master time. The synchronization can have a global scope, if the clock synchronization is required in all the nodes of the network or a limited scope if it is required in a subset of nodes only. There are algorithms in which the network nodes exchange synchronization messages without interruption and the time synchronization is continuous.

Attivissimo, N. Giaquinto, and M. Savino. Uncertainty evaluation in dithered A/D converters. In Proc. of IMEKO TC7 Symposium, pages 121–124, St. Petersburg, Russia, June 2004. [AGS08] F. Attivissimo, N. Giaquinto, and M. Savino. Uncertainty evaluation in dithered ADC-based instruments. Measurement, 41(4):364–370, May 2008. [AH98] O. Aumala and J. Holub. Dithering design for measurement of slowly varying signals. Measurement, 23(4):271–276, June 1998. [BDR05] E. Balestrieri, P. Daponte, and S. Rapuano.

Results are expressed in terms of percentage difference Δf* between actual and expected central frequency of the replica, for different values of p, Bg, and Δf. Values of Δf* lower than 1% prove the good performance of the method. Similar outcomes have been experienced with the other test signals taken into consideration. 5%. Considering that the demodulator utilized in the experiments is not optimized, the achieved results are extremely encouraging and prove the capability of the method in correctly placing the spectral replica at the desired frequency.

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