New PDF release: Dealing with the Media

By Chris Rau

Drawing from over twenty years of journalism and media event, this sensible consultant bargains easy-to-follow recommendation on how one can care for the media—both conventional and digital.

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Then triple check everything before you send it. Translate complex themes It’s impossible to avoid using jargon sometimes. If there’s no way around it, add a sentence or even a paragraph translating it for the lay reader. One of the hardest assignments I’ve had was an article that tried to explain medico-legal damages formulae for a medical readership. Doctors, like most people, don’t have much to do with the law. It was daunting to try and make the damages formulae interesting. Finding some case-studies most of the readers could relate to was what rescued the piece.

The bad news for working journalists is good news for you if you’re able to deliver a comprehensive ‘package’, not just of words but also of visuals. NEW MEDIA INTERVIEW WITH ALAN KENNEDY Press Council member and print journalist Q Will agenda-setting change much without the influence of traditional media? A Traditional media no longer sets the agenda. It has become the follower. The first ports of call for most journalists are Google, social networking sites and blogs. Activists can exploit this by creating information on their own sites and alerting journalists, or trying to promulgate it themselves.

Explore the media, try newsrooms, be fearless, and get your ideas out there. The worst that can happen is that someone says ‘no’. Just think to yourself: ‘So what? ’ Don’t worry – shrug it off and try again. 1 The basics Do you have a story? ’ is the first question you should ask before approaching any media. Would it interest you as a dispassionate reader or viewer? Instinct should tell you whether or not your story is worth a run. Much of the ‘nose for news’ is just commonsense. If you’re motivated enough to approach the media at all, you’ll probably have some idea about what the media wants.

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