Download e-book for iPad: Essentials of Medical Microbiology by Apurba Sankar Sastry and Sandhya Bhat

exos porium (Fig. 20A). • l lie core is the inner most part containing the DNA material and is walled off from die cortex by an inner membrane and 1he germ cell wall. x1ernal to 1he core, and are s eparated from each other byan outer membrane.

3: Acid-fast o rg anisms/ structures and percentage of sulfuric acid suitable for staining Acid-fast organisms /structures ISulfuric acid needed for (%) decolorlzation Mycobaccerilm tubercuJosjs 25% Mycobacrerium leprae 5% Noaudia 1% Acid·fast parasites such as Cryprosporidium, Cyclospora,Jsosopra, Microsporidia,. S-1% Ziehl-Neelsen Technique (Hot Method) • Fixation: The smear is beat fixed. • Prima ry stain: Smear is poured with strong carbol fuchsin for 5 minutes with intermittent heating by flaming the underneath of tlie slide until the fumes appear (refer Chapter 27 for detail).

Smear is covered witll Albert 1 (Albert's s tain) for 5 minutes, tlien is washed in water, and blotted dry. • Albert ll (iodine solution) is added for ! minute. • Slide is washed in water, blotted dry and examined under oil immersion field. Interpretation C. diphtheriae appears as green colored bacilli arranged in Chinese letter or cuneiform pattern, with bluish black metachromatic granules at polar ends. (Refer Fig. no. 2 of Chapter 24). iphtheroids which do not s how granules and are arranged in palisade pattern.

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