Download e-book for iPad: Short Stories for Students: Presenting Analysis, Context, by Ira Mark Milne

By Ira Mark Milne

Every one quantity provides important info on nearly 20 of the most-studied brief tales on the highschool and early-college degrees. brief tales for college kids includes concise synopses of the story's plot, characters and issues, besides a quick writer biography, a dialogue of the story's cultural and old value and excerpted feedback.

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29, No. 2, Spring, 1992, pp. 215-20. Floyd C. Watkins In the following essay, Watkins suggests that the puzzling ending to "Blackberry Winter" (that the boy followed the tramp) is incomplete and lacks clues from the story necessary for an adequate understanding of how the boy did follow the tramp. 14 Robert Penn Warren wrote his short stories in the late 1930s and the first half of the 1940s. He did not publish any poems from his Selected Poems (1943) until Brother to Dragons (1953) and then the poems collected into the Pulitzer Prize winning Promises (1957).

Like Stark, the tramp is also a human being, however sinful and violent he may appear. " The Ancient Mariner, Willie Stark and the tramp are alike in that they serve to elicit the emotions of pity and terror from the reader and suggest the knowledge that man must apprehend if he is to avoid a similar fate. Each of these men enters a ' 'darkening grown-up world of time"; so, also, do their observers, the wedding guest, Jack Burden and Seth. An awareness of time is a central concern of Warren's characters, and in his story he depicts the truth that Jack Burden and Seth must suffer to learn; life is motion toward knowledge.

That was what he said, for me not to follow him. '' The concluding sentence is as dramatic as the threat of the tramp, but the older narrator did not specify how he followed him. There are many possibilities: following him into the urban world; growing old; adopting a life of rootlessness and violence; or simply growing up into knowledge. In the last five paragraphs the characters also seem to have followed the tramp — the good people lived on into a sadder world; they died of accident and lockjaw, of grief, the Negroes Jebb and Dellie lived on for many years; their son, Little Jebb, went out into the violent world.

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