By Gabriel Doherty
Advent through Garret Fitzgerald. This ebook seeks to interpret the occasions of Easter Week 1916 because the critical defining occasion of a 'long revolution' in Irish heritage. The origins of the lengthy revolution lie within the moment 1/2 the 19th century, and its legacy continues to be being performed out within the first years of the twenty-first century. stated specialists on particular themes search to discover the layered family and foreign, political, felony and ethical features of this uniquely influential and arguable occasion. members are: Rory O' Dwyer, Michael Wheatley, Brendan O'Shea and Gerry White, D.G. Boyce, Francis M. Carroll, Rosemary Cullen Owens, Jerome aan de Wiel, Adrian Hardiman, Keith Jeffery, Mary McAleese, Owen McGee, Seamus Murphy and Brian P. Murphy.
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Sgt ' Wag' Haw was the top scorer with the det achment, and as such was one of four recipients of the Order of Lenin , the highest Soviet decoration . 1942 - Losing the edge Circus opera tions remained a key element of the Co mmand 's work during 1942, but it is worth noting a special opera tion that to ok place in August that year. On the 19th a raid on Dieppe was supported by the largest array of RAF squad rons yet empl oyed on a single o pera tion, some 68 sq uadrons being airborne. For man y unit s it was their most hectic time since the Battl e of Britain, with up to three sorties being flown during the day.
Including rail, road and river/canal traffic. The o. I priorit y was the destruction of locomotives and interference with fuel distributi on . Electricity switching and tran sformer sta tions were listed as seconda ry objectives. The situation in the middle of 1942 was one of stalemate. Fighter Comm and had the adva ntage of numbers but the balance was redressed in favour of the enemy by the superiorit y of the Fw 190. Until the Typhoon and the Spitfire IX could take part in operations. Fighter Command was faced with two alternatives.
As in essence the tactic was little different from that employed. without success. by the Luft waffe over Britain in 1940. A review of offensive ops to mid Feb rua ry suggested tha t all was not well; Sholto Douglas stated that. ' The main fighter op ponents were JG 2. with bases to the So uth of the Seine. and JG2 6. with bases in the Pas de Ca lais. both were equip ped with the latest Bf 109 variants and both continued to display skill and aggressiveness. As early as March the suggestion was being mooted that the fighters should carry small incendiary bomb s in makeshift contai ners fitted to the flare tubes as a way of addi ng to the 'offens ive firepower' .