Thomas J. Kraus's Ad fontes: Original Manuscripts and Their Signicance for PDF

By Thomas J. Kraus

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Thus, I felt obliged to bring together the pros and cons and to start evaluating them on my own. It was a real surprise when I was asked to send this piece of writing to a well-acclaimed journal (Revue de Qumran) and even more surprised when its main editor, Florentino García Martinez, accepted it for publication (chapter 13 ‘7Q5—Status Quaestionis and Fundamental Remarks to Qualify the Discussion of the Papyrus Fragment’). After deciding in favor of writing separate addenda sections I was convinced that these would be rather brief, because most of the issues I tackle in this volume are not mainstream.

De, Los Evangelios Apócrifos (BAC 148; Madrid: BAC, 101999). , Einführung in die Papyruskunde (Berlin: Weidmannsche Buchhandlung, 1918). ——, ‘Papyruskunde’, in: A. Gercke/E. ), Einleitung in die Altertumswissenschaft. I. Bd. (Leipzig-Berlin: Beck, 31927). , Der historische Jesus. Ein Lehrbuch (Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 32001). , Greek Papyri. An Introduction (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 21980; repr. 1998). , Catalogue des papyrus littéraires juifs et chrétiens (Université de Paris IV ParisSorbonne.

840’, 81–94. Finally, Kruger could have integrated additional paleographical observations in order to support his theses (for instance, an in-depth description of the hand of the scribe; the page layout; the usage of two different inks—black and red; the size of the fragment in relation to its questionable usage as amulet which is taken for granted quite often in secondary literature [the fragment does not have any foldings]). 9 Cf. de/NTTextforschung, click on “Aktuelles”; last access 23/02/2006).

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