Download e-book for kindle: Angel on the Square by Gloria Whelan

By Gloria Whelan

In the autumn of 1914, secure in the back of palace partitions, Katya Ivanova sees St. Petersburg as a paranormal place.

The daughter of a lady-in-waiting to the Empress, Katya spends all her time with the Grand Duchesses; the royal kin seems like her personal. yet outdoors the palace, a negative warfare is sweeping via Europe, and Russia is starting to fall apart lower than the burden of a turning out to be revolution. Now, as Katya′s once-certain destiny starts to dissolve, she needs to search to appreciate what's taking place to her liked nation and, for the 1st time in her existence, take cost of her personal future.

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A skimpy braid hung down her back. She was looking so hard at me that I started to walk toward her, thinking to speak to her, but two inspectors noticed us. They shouted at the children to get 50 back to work and headed in our direction. Quickly Misha pulled me out into the street. As hot as it was, it was ten times cooler than it had been inside, and I dared to breathe again. ” I didn’t. I was thinking what it would be like to awaken in the morning, knowing you would spend all day in such a place, and worse still, the next day and the day after.

It was one of our favorite walks. When the sun shone a certain way, the reflection of the palace lay quivering on the water as if there were a second palace inhabited by mermaids. The other side of the palace overlooked a great square, and in the center of the square a granite column soared heavenward. At the top of the column, which celebrated Russia’s victory over Napoleon, was a bronze angel. Lidya promised me, “Difficult times and even wars may come to the city, but as long as the angel watches over St.

You’ll fritter away your days in a palace while the citizens of St. Petersburg plan to tear the palace down. ” I was indignant. “The people love the Tsar, and he loves them. How can he know everything that goes on in the city? When I tell him about the children and the rags, he will put a stop to it. ” We were back on the Nevsky Prospekt. People were staring at us. We fell silent, walking the rest of the way home without a word. The sun had broken through the clouds, and the day was hotter than ever.

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