Download PDF by Nick Pelling: Anglo-Irish Relations, 1798-1922 (Questions and Analysis in

By Nick Pelling

Supplying essays, assets with questions and labored solutions, including heritage to every subject inside of Irish heritage, Nick Pelling offers a superb foundational textual content for the learn of Anglo-Irish family members. for hundreds of years the connection among eire and England has been tough. Anglo-Irish kinfolk, 1798–1922 explores the tempestuous occasions from Wolfe Tone's failed emerging to Michael Collins's arguably extra profitable attempt, culminating within the arguable Anglo-Irish treaty of 1921. vintage struggles among key figures, resembling O'Connell and Peel, Parnell and Gladstone, and Lloyd George and Michael Collins, are mentioned and analyzed. The deeper concerns concerning the nature of British Imperial rule and the variety of Irish nationalism also are tested, highlighting the historiographical debate surrounding the so-called 'revisionist' view.

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The political economist Thomas Robert Malthus had argued years before that any famine was in some respects only nature's way of correcting overpopulation. He was not referring directly to Ireland but when the famine struck it was easy for educated men to see the tragedy as merely a painful but inevitable Malthusian adjustment to the mismatch between productive capacity and population. Hence Malthusian views dovetailed rather neatly with free trade views, producing a conviction that not much either could or should be done.

Given the ardour of Young Ireland, it is hardly surprising that O’Connell’s climb-down over the Clontarf meeting effectively split the movement into warring camps and thereby fatally weakened it. It might be thought odd that a man who had killed another in a duel, as O’Connell certainly had, would be steadfastly non-violent. The answer to this apparent conundrum is that O’Connell was a gentleman and as such felt obliged to obey Dublin society’s codes of behaviour, such as duelling. In a political context his aversion to violence can be traced back to the fact that he had been in school in France during the French Revolution-an experience which cured him of any naive romanticism about the nature of revolutions: hard experience which most of the men of Young Ireland conspicuously lacked.

Not only that, he seemed to have pointed Peel in the direction of a concessionbased Unionism that would make the British government seem relatively benign. As a result O’Connell found it increasingly difficult to depict the government in London as being indifferent to Irish grievances. Thus, although numerous factors determined the failure of Repeal, there is much truth in the idea that success in 1829 virtually guaranteed failure thereafter. Questions 1. How did O’Connell succeed in forcing the British government to introduce Catholic Emancipation?

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