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By D R & Wallenius, K T Shier

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Charnes and W. W. Cooper, “Preface to topics in data envelopment analysis,” Annals of Operations Research 2, 59–94 (1985). [4] A. Charnes, W. W. Cooper, A. Y. Lewin, R. C. Morey, and J. Rousseau, “Sensitivity and stability analysis in DEA,” Annals of Operations Research 2, 139–156 (1985). © 1999 by Chapman & Hall/CRC [5] A. Charnes, W. W. Cooper, and R. M. Thrall, “A structure for classifying and characterizing efficiencies and inefficiencies in data envelopment analysis,” The Journal of Productivity Analysis 2, 197–237 (1991).

I discussed the fine reports on mathematical education appearing at that time with Kenneth Hoffman. I expressed the reservation, however, that a structure was being set up that well may result in a great number of reports and that they would likely have diminishing value. On the other hand, I did say that there should be one more report which described what was really fundamental in mathematics. ) and discrete change. In early 1988 I heard that there was a project on “strands” in mathematics and I wrote a letter to Marcia Sward in more detail about my list.

N. This is based on the concepts (a) that each DMUj must use a positive amount of at least one input and produce a positive amount of at least one output, and (b) that there are no negative inputs or outputs. © 1999 by Chapman & Hall/CRC Since this chapter is part of a volume on construction and validation of mathematical models, I will give some special attention to the mathematical scientists’ role in model building. One of these roles is the selection of notation and concepts for organizing data.

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