Read e-book online Comprehensive chemometrics : chemical and biochemical data PDF

By S D Brown; L A Sarabia; Johan Trygg

Designed to function the 1st aspect of reference at the topic, entire Chemometrics provides an built-in precis of the current country of chemical and biochemical facts research and manipulation. The paintings covers all significant parts starting from data to facts acquisition, research, and purposes. This significant reference paintings offers broad-ranging, established summaries of the most important themes in Read more...

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X3n Level k ÁÁÁ ÁÁÁ ÁÁÁ .. ÁÁÁ xk1 xk2 xk3 .. 95. The appropriate procedure for testing the equality of several means is the analysis of variance (ANOVA). 12). , four determinations with each cartridge). Each of the N ¼ k  n values xij (i ¼ 1,2,. ,k, j ¼ 1,2,. ,n) is the result obtained when using the ith cartridge withPthe jth aliquot sample. In general, in each level i, a different number of replicates are available ni, with N ¼ ki¼1 ni . To make the notation easier, we will suppose that all ni are equal, that is, ni ¼ n for each level.

06, there is no evidence to reject the null hypothesis on the equality of variances. 34, and the conclusion is the same.

Example 9: Table 5 shows the results of the recoveries obtained in 10 different places with two solid-phase extraction (SPE) cartridges after fortification of wastewater with a sulfonamide. 0 See Example 9 for more details. 36 Quality of Analytical Measurements: Statistical Methods for Internal Validation efficient than cartridge B and to compute the risk of the text. For answer these questions, it is important to define that we consider ‘different’ those differences between the means of recoveries that are greater than 2%.

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