Core Animation for Mac OS X and the iPhone: Creating - download pdf or read online

By Bill Dudney

I wrote up an extended, designated breakdown of the disasters of this ebook on my weblog at [....], yet here is the fast version.The ebook wishes a couple of issues to achieve success, particularly in mild of the recent crop of Cocoa builders coming round because of the iPhone. such a lot begin with the definitiveCocoa(R) Programming for Mac(R) OS X (3rd version) via Aaron Hillegass and circulate directly to find out about particular framework applied sciences. As such, sure stylistic and programming conventions that experience come to symbolize "Cocoa programming best-practices" aren't adhered to in any respect. pattern tasks are lazy in scope, regardless of the author's acknowledged purpose to "spark our imagination." pattern code is usually choked with ivars and techniques that are not even utilized in the undertaking. No reminiscence administration seems used in any respect. Code fluctuates among utilizing "traditional" bracket notation and dot notation from venture to venture. and that i may move on...The author's writing is amazingly redundant, and the ebook might use an editor who isn't really afraid to decrease and burn. There are lengthy passages that say not anything, and likely ideas and statements that arise many times. the place at the one hand the writer desires us to be happy to make "gaudy" issues to benefit the way to combine center Animation into the way forward for interface layout, he spends the higher a part of the booklet caution us opposed to doing precisely that. He turns out actually terrified that he is unlocking Pandora's field upon the advance group and should be individually held in charge if issues commence going improper in Cocoa initiatives from now, ahead. I humbly recommend this is not the author's function in my lifestyles as a developer.Perhaps my greatest red meat with the ebook is that its audience is ill-defined. it's certainly now not an advent to Cocoa, however it additionally attempts too challenging to carry the hand of more matured builders. So its too effortless for people with Cocoa adventure, yet too not easy for these with no event. i might relatively like to see this publication re-imagined as a logical next-step from the Hillegass booklet and dig in deeply to middle Animation. advance 3 or 4 deep, unique tasks, clarify the code improvement intimately, construct at the best-practices Hillegass teaches, and cater completely to a improvement neighborhood that is familiar with Objective-C and the way to take advantage of the Cocoa frameworks with out worry.

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We can specify as many intermediate points as needed to achieve the effect we want. We also have complete control over the time intervals spent for each section of our path. 3 Grouping Animations Animations can be grouped and then triggered with the change of a single attribute. For example, we could group an alpha fade, a frame movement, and a resize. Then add the group animation to the view so that it is triggered when the frame origin is set. When working with groups, you need to set the keyPath for each of the animations that is part of the group.

3, Finding Animations, on page 23 that adding an animation to the animations dictionary will place our custom animation in the search path. This of course will cause our animation to be used instead of the default. calculationMode = kCAAnimationPaced; return originAnimation; } We should pay attention to two parts of this code. First on line 3, we are setting the path to the animation. Recall that the animation will use the x and y values of this path as the x and y values of the frameOrigin for our moving view.

First, we are naming the animation on line 5. That will become important in a moment when we look at the delegate method. Second, we are setting the delegate on line 6. As you recall from earlier discussions, the delegate gets notification when the animation finishes. y); [[photo2 animator] setFrameOrigin:newPhoto2Origin]; } } The animationDidStop:finished: method is called when the animation that is attached to photo1 is done. The finished flag will be YES if the animation finished and NO if the animation was stopped prematurely.

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