New PDF release: Coupled Model Transformations for QoS Enabled

By Steffen Becker

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1). However, the term component model is established, hence, this thesis sticks to it. Nevertheless, it is important to keep in mind that component models are meta-models in the context of this thesis even when omitting the meta- prefix. Several component models exist, each designed with specific design criteria to deal with specific problems. 1). Often, the abstraction is directed towards specific analysis methods. The analyses can be focused on functional or extrafunctional properties. 1. COMPONENTS, ARCHITECTURE AND COMPONENT MODELS the requirements.

Further Reference To conclude this literature survey on component models, there is a recent comprehensive survey published by Lau and Wang (2005) containing further component models omitted here. 2 Model-Driven Software Development Model-driven Software Development (MDSD) aims at leveraging the role of software models in the software development process. Models become the central artefact of this process. The ultimate aim is to construct models of higher abstraction levels which can be translated fully automatically into models of lower abstraction levels (including source code).

Components whose realisation is based on components itself. For example, (Ritter, 2000, p. 6) introduces composed components as a mean of building new domain specific components from more basic or generic ones. Composed components are produced to be put into the repository when finished. Assembler Assemblers retrieve components from a set of available repositories and combine them with the aim of creating an application. This is done by composing the components, using the offered functionality to create new functionality.

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