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By Roy Adkins, Lesley Adkins

A cultural photograph of lifestyle on the earth of Jane Austen

Jane Austen, arguably the best novelist of the English language, wrote brilliantly concerning the gentry and aristocracy of 2 centuries in the past in her money owed of younger girls searching for love. Jane Austen’s England explores the customs and tradition of the true England of her daily life depicted in her vintage novels in addition to these through Byron, Keats, and Shelley. Drawing upon a wealthy array of up to date resources, together with many formerly unpublished manuscripts, diaries, and private letters, Roy and Lesley Adkins vividly painting the day-by-day lives of standard humans, discussing subject matters as varied as start, marriage, faith, sexual practices, hygiene, highwaymen, and superstitions.

From chores like fetching water to therapeutic with medicinal leeches, from promoting other halves available to buy to purchasing smuggled gin, from the hardships confronted via younger girls and boys within the mines to the commonly used sight of corpses swinging on gibbets, Jane Austen’s England bargains an authoritative and gripping account that's occasionally funny, frequently stunning, yet constantly interesting.

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Was no coincidence is the fact that at the winter solstice, the shortest day of the year, the sun appears to set in the middle of a trilithon when viewed from the center of the monument. The most reasonable explanation for this suggests a religious observance, centering perhaps on sun worship. Though there was no particular evidence that the Druids had ever been sun worshippers, some influential writers assumed that they had been, and the notion stuck. For many observers, until the twentieth century, the main purpose of Stonehenge was assumed to 59 be as a temple for sun-worshipping Druidic peoples.

But while this theory is intriguing, it has its flaws. Since no other dolerite has been found in the area around Stonehenge, for example, WORDS IN CONTEXT the builders of the monument would have mauls needed to find and use every scrap of blueHammers made of stone brought over by the ice sheets. That stone. seems unlikely. The only other explanation is that the people who built the monument brought the dolerite all the way from Wales—a distance more than ten times the distance needed to transport the sarsens.

If nothing else, the fact that many parts of the monument have remained intact for several millennia speaks to the skill of the site’s creators. 40 Creating the Holes Of all the features of the Stonehenge site, the holes and small pits, such as the Aubrey holes, would probably have been the easiest to construct. While moving several cubic feet of soil can be a backbreaking task, it is certainly more straightforward than setting lintels on top of uprights or creating a nearly perfect circle made of stone.

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