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By Blair Worden

During this publication the pre-eminent background of Cromwellian England takes a clean method of the literary biography of the 2 nice poets of the Puritan Revolution, John Milton and Andrew Marvell. Blair Worden reconstructs the political contexts during which Milton and Marvell wrote, and reassesses their writings opposed to the historical past of risky and dramatic alterations of public temper and condition. figures are proven to were famous of their minds. First there's Oliver Cromwell, on whose personality and judgements the way forward for the Puritan Revolution and of the kingdom rested, and whose ascent the 2 writers traced and assessed, in either situations with an acute ambivalence. the second one is Marchamont Nedham, the pioneering journalist of the civil wars, a detailed good friend of Milton and a guy whose writings turn out to be in detail associated with Marvell's. The excessive achievements of Milton and Marvell are proven to belong to global of urgent political debate which Nedham's ephemeral courses helped to form. The ebook follows Marvell's transition from royalism to Cromwellianism. In Milton's case we discover the profound influence on his outlook introduced through the execution of King Charles I in 1649; his tough and disillusioning dating with the successive regimes of the Interregnum; and his try and come to phrases, in his immortal poetry of the recovery, with the failure of Puritan rule.

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Extra info for Literature and Politics in Cromwellian England: John Milton, Andrew Marvell, Marchamont Nedham

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1245. D. thesis, 2004), 131. 12. BL, Add. MS 28002, fos. 116v –7. 13. It is Oxinden who tells us, on the flyleaf of his copy of Eikonoklastes, that in July 1651 Milton ‘is now grown blind and has to be led up and down’: Canterbury Cathedral Library, Elham Pamphlets, no. 178. Oxinden’s views on the events of 1648–9 are evident from his other annotations on pamphlets in that collection. For a guide to them see Hingley, ‘Oxindens’. 14. D. , Oxinden and Peyton Letters, 227–9. 15. Oxinden, Charles Triumphant (1660).

But what did he make of the accusations of unprincipled and mercenary betrayal that were heaped on 2. 3. 4. 6. 7. Case, 3; Nedham, The True Character of a Rigid Presbyter (1661), preface. Nedham, A Discourse concerning Schools (1663), 2. Worden, ‘ ‘‘Wit in a Roundhead’’ ’, 315. 5. Nedham, True Character, 4. Nedham, Christianissimus Christianandus (1678), 53. Nedham, A Pacquet of Advices (1676), 73. , Ashm. ) 8. Nedham, Discourse concerning Schools, 5. 9. Worden, ‘ ‘‘Wit in a Roundhead’’ ’, 323.

It was a majestic feat of self-representation. As he would have us think, inner divinity and integrity proved fitting vessels for his heavenly muse and were reflected straightforwardly in its productions, nothing impeding the movement of truth or inspiration from his heart or soul to his pen. Yet in his self-praise, no less than in his praise of others, he followed the rules of literature in and after the Renaissance, which idealized those whom it commended. The resulting portrait has proved triumphantly enduring.

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