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By Kevin Sharpe

This quantity explores the ebook and reception of authority in early sleek England. The chapters examine a extensive variety of ancient fabrics, permitting a wealthy historicisation of various texts and featuring the historical past of society and kingdom as a cultural in addition to an institutional or narrowly political history.


Explores the e-book and reception of authority in early sleek England. This identify appears to be like at a number of old fabrics, permitting a historicization of various texts and providing the Read more...

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13) The fact that, as the title page proclaims, they were The Psalms of King David raises larger questions about translation as ‘authorship’, and these merit further examination. Indeed many of James’s writings were as much readings of biblical hermeneutics and exegeses as they were also the readings of God’s divine decrees and natural laws. 14 Two contributors here make incisive but undeveloped, and interestingly contradictory, observations. 15 By assisting that development, James 34 READING AUTHORITY AND REPRESENTING RULE furthered the claims of other authors to property, notably Ben Jonson, who gathered his folio works the same year.

But, accepting the charge that I might have done more, I would reaffirm INTRODUCTION 19 that rulers’ sense of audiences was always in my mind and shaped my – as well as their – reading of texts. 95 III So where are we and where are we going? ) on the state of our scholarly practice and on the current situation in early modern English history. First the vexed question of interdisciplinarity. One would not think it vexed judging from the ubiquitous references to it as a requirement for grants, fellowships, publishing series and research programmes or the recitation of it as a vaunt in glossy university brochures, or vice-chancellor’s speeches.

Technology has done more. Thanks to infra-red images and magnifications, scholars far from the gallery or museum are able to see and read what it was not easy to do before, even with the painting or print in front of them. Often, by magnifying a digital image, I have seen a detail – or been able to read a scroll or inscription – that I could hardly make out on the original. Often INTRODUCTION 21 within minutes, another search engine or scholarly resource based on these new digital archives will have identified the source of an emblem or biblical passage, leading me back to reviewing the image now as part of a larger story: of past readings and viewings, indeed a history of appropriations and polemics.

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