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By Jean Plaidy

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I crept away. I was heartbroken for I did not know what I had done to displease her. Time dragged heavily when I was not with her. Those months were full of revelations for me. I think I grew up then. The Court was rather somber for the King had a reputation for parsimony. He was a good king and did not want to tax his people to pay for his extravagances, which was a habit most kings indulged in; and because of this they called him mean. He hated war, therefore they called him unadventurous. France prospered under him more than it had under his predecessors, but the people did not love him because he was not the glittering figure they liked their kings to be.

And she gave me a little tap on the cheek. That, said the ladies, was indeed a mark of approval. I said I was amazed that she should have noticed me. “Oh, it is only because you are so young,” I was told by Anne Grey. “Lady Guildford is really very put out because you are here. ” I heard one of them whisper something about Thomas Boleyn always being on the lookout for favors. But it did not worry me unduly that I was resented. Everything was so novel to me and to be here in the castle waiting for the wind to change, being ready to embark at short notice, was very exciting.

François, his mother and his sister live in daily terror that I shall have one—for if I did, what would become of bold François's hopes of the crown, eh, tell me that? ” She paused and laughed. ” “But of course he did. You see, this Pope was the notorious Alexander VI—Roderigo Borgia. He had a son. Ah, you say, but Popes do not marry. No, little one, you are right. But it is not necessary to marry to have sons… and this Pope had a son called Cesare Borgia. He loved him dearly and sought great favors for him.

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