Download PDF by B.W. Young: The Victorian Eighteenth Century: An Intellectual History

By B.W. Young

The Victorians have been preoccupied by means of the eighteenth century. It used to be imperative to many nineteenth-century debates, relatively these about the position of background and faith in nationwide lifestyles. This booklet explores the varied responses of key Victorian writers and thinkers, Thomas Carlyle, John Henry Newman, Leslie Stephen, Vernon Lee, and M.R. James to a interval which commanded their curiosity in the course of the Victorian period, from the accession of Queen Victoria to the hole a long time of the 20 th century. They have been, at the one hand, appalled by means of the obvious frivolity of the eighteenth century, which used to be denounced by way of Carlyle as a dispiriting successor to the tradition of Puritan England, and, at the different they have been involved to proceed its secularising impact on English tradition, as is obvious within the pioneering paintings of Leslie Stephen, who was once passionately willing to rework the legacy of eighteenth-century scepticism into Victorian agnosticism. The Victorian curiosity within the eighteenth century was once by no means a simply insular subject, and the heritage of eighteenth-century France, Germany, and Italy performed a dominant function within the nineteenth-century old realizing. A debate among generations used to be enacted, during which Romanticism melded into Victorianism. The Victorians have been haunted via the eighteenth century, either metaphorically and actually, and the ebook closes with attention of the culturally resonant eighteenth-century ghosts encountered within the fiction of Vernon Lee and M.R. James.

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Thomas Carlyle: The Critical Heritage (London, 1971), 427–38, at p. 432. ⁴ FG, i. 289. 40 Carlyle and the ‘Bastard Heroic’ erupts with the geological intensity that so marks his writing, especially when he is narrating revolutionary events: When he died, in 1786, the enormous phenomenon since called french revolution was already growing audibly in the depths of the world; meteoricelectric coruscations heralding it, all round the horizon. Strange enough to note, one of Friedrich’s last visitors was Gabriel Honoré Riquetti, Comte de Mirabeau.

397; vi. 606. ³³ John Holloway, The Victorian Sage: Studies in Argument (London, 1953), 75–85. ³⁴ FG, vi. 327. ³⁵ FG, ii. 7. ³⁶ Ruth apRoberts, ‘The historian as Shandean humorist: Carlyle and Frederick the Great’, in David R. Sorensen and Rodger L. ), The Carlyles at Home and Abroad (Aldershot, 2004), 14–26. For references to Sterne and his military father, see FG, i. 560; ii. 4. ³⁸ Something of the epic poet’s task is indicated when, in attempting to describe the battle, Carlyle, like Tolstoy after him, is forced to declare: but in what sequence done, under what exact vicissitudes of aspect, special steps of cause and effect, no man can say; and only imagination, guided by these few data, can paint to itself.

The first and more obvious point to be made is that Carlyle, the preeminent Victorian sage, was not himself a Victorian, but a product of the closing years of the Scottish Enlightenment and of the international atmosphere of late Romanticism. ⁶³ Few historians have been as conscious of their audience as Carlyle proved to be, and few have been as influential in shaping the historical tastes of that audience. The second less obvious, but no less significant point, is that The French Revolution heralded a new and revolutionary conception of historical writing as unlike that operating in the work of historians writing immediately before its appearance as could readily be conceived.

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