New PDF release: The wars of the Bruces : Scotland, England and Ireland,

By Colm McNamee

"This a really readable narrative of a momentous episode in British background. Former reviews of this subject focus upon occasions in Scotland, yet England's struggle with Robert Bruce profoundly affected the full of the British Isles." "Biographies have seemed of a few of the major personalities concerned, yet no-one has hitherto tried to hyperlink up many of the theatres of warfare in a accomplished examine. the consequences of  Read more...

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Nevertheless the jealous documentation of the English king’s revenues places in context the actions of individuals; and, in England at least, allows us some grasp of the material and human costs of war, in terms of harvests ruined, barns destroyed and cattle driven off. Financial accounts of manors ‘in the king’s hand’ afford occasional glimpses of tides of refugees; of banditry flourishing in the wake of war; and of the activities of scavengers, speculators and opportunists for whom war to the death provided a way of life.

Nicholson, Scotland: The Later Middle Ages (Edinburgh, 1974), Chapter 1 and especially pp. 21–23 on the institutions of government; M. Lynch, Scotland: A New History (London, 1991), Chapter 5, pp. 53–73. S. Barrow, ‘The Anglo-Scottish Border’, NH i (1966), 21–42. 30 Frame, Political Development, Chapter 9. I will use the term Gaelic in Irish and Scottish contexts, reserving the term Celtic to include aspects which also relate to Wales. 31 Lydon, NHI, ii, Chapter IX, ‘A Land of War’, pp. 240–74.

Scottish Text Society, 4th series, 1980–85). M. Davis, The Black Douglas (London, 1974). 7 For the purposes of this study the phrase ‘British Isles’ is taken to embrace Ireland and her associated islands. 8 Recent work on Scotland is usefully summarised in a review article by B. Webster, ‘Anglo-Scottish Relations, 1296–1389: Some Recent Essays’ SHR lxxiv (1995), 97–108. 9 Notable exceptions are: Scammell, ‘Robert I’; E. A. Tuck, ‘Northumbrian Society in the Fourteenth Century’, NH vi (1971), 22–39; ‘War and Society in the Medieval North’, NH xxi (1985), 33–52; ‘The Emergence of a Northern Nobility’, NH xxii (1986), 1–17.

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