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By T. Carty

Based on various students and pundits, JFK's victory in 1960 symbolized America's evolution from a politically Protestant state to a pluralistic one. The anti-Catholic prejudice that many blamed for presidential candidate Alfred E. Smith's crushing defeat in 1928 finally appeared to were conquer. besides the fact that, if the presidential election of 1960 used to be certainly a turning element for American Catholics, how can we clarify the failure of any Catholic--in over 40 years--to repeat Kennedy's accomplishment? during this exhaustively researched examine that fuses political, cultural, social, and highbrow heritage, Thomas Carty demanding situations the belief that JFK's winning crusade for the presidency ended many years, if now not centuries, of spiritual and political tensions among American Catholics and Protestants.

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While managing Roosevelt’s presidential victories in 1932 and 1936 and serving as Democratic national chairman during FDR’s two terms, Farley established a personal network of political alliances across the country. ’’61 Glass challenged the Democrats to honor a spirit of inclusiveness that Roosevelt had earlier encouraged. Joe Kennedy did not openly endorse either candidate. ’’ Joseph P. S. and Vatican hierarchies, but they did not secure America’s highest office. President Roosevelt’s patronage opened many doors to Catholic politicians even though Al Smith and Father Coughlin actively opposed his domestic policies.

57 Although FDR did not repudiate the Post story until more than a week later, the president claimed that a chief executive could not respond to every inaccurate story published in the newspapers. 58 According to Farley, even Cardinal Mundelein raised the specter of anti-Catholicism to prevent a challenge to Roosevelt’s pursuit of a third term. ’’59 Mundelein’s argument, as described by Farley, echoed Demo- Protestant America or a Nation of Immigrants? 41 cratic fears of nativist anti-Catholicism.

Yet many Democrats bristled at the choice of Raskob, who had worked for the wealthy Catholic Du Pont family, actively opposed Prohibition, and voted for Republican presidential nominee Calvin Coolidge in 1924. Nativists focused particularly on Raskob’s religion. As a Catholic who had donated more than a million dollars to his church, Raskob received several high honors from the Holy See. 13 Raskob’s immediate ascent to Democratic Party leadership through political patronage appeared typical of the undemocratic, secret dealings of Smith’s Catholic New York City political machine, Tammany Hall.

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