Download e-book for kindle: Communication Among Grandmothers, Mothers, and Adult by Michelle A. Miller-Day

By Michelle A. Miller-Day

This quantity examines communique strategies in the grandmother-mother-daughter dating, emphasizing an intergenerational viewpoint. utilizing observations of and wide interviews with six units of middle-income, Caucasian lady kinfolk, this e-book deals a heuristic account of intergenerational mother-daughter relational communication.Author Michelle Miller-Day integrates and juxtaposes substitute stories of social interplay, situating readers on the earth of grandmothers, moms, grownup daughters, and granddaughters as they event, describe, and study their family members conversation. Miller-Day accommodates elderly moms and more youthful mid-life moms and their grownup daughters into the examine to demonstrate how this kind of maternal courting is skilled at various issues in a woman's existence. With the inclusion of 3 generations of ladies, Miller-Day deals multigenerational views on relations, and examines them for styles of maternal interplay, offering symbolic hyperlinks throughout generational boundaries.Communication between Grandmothers, moms, and grownup Daughters allows readers to appreciate extra thoroughly the richly textured nature of maternal relationships. will probably be a useful source for students and researchers within the components of conversation and relationships, together with relatives verbal exchange, intergenerational communique, women's reports, kinfolk experiences, interpersonal verbal exchange, and relationships, in addition to social employees, psychologists, and counselors, who try to appreciate relations communique procedures and their dynamics throughout generational traces.

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Additional info for Communication Among Grandmothers, Mothers, and Adult Daughters: A Qualitative Study of Maternal Relationships (Lea's Series on Personal Relationships)

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This kind of work provides a forum for the voices of insiders who have firsthand knowledge of a phenomenon of interest. Although all qualitative research draws from the philosophy of phenomenology or the essence of experience (a phenomenon) in everyday life, heuristic research is a form of phenomenological inquiry that integrates the personal experience and insights of the researcher with the experience of research participants. The root meaning of heuristic comes from the Greek word heuriskein, ^Nacirema is American spelled backwards.

The criterion of living in proximity is not anomalous, considering national data that report 50% to 75% of older adults lived within a half hour from their closest child (Lin & Rogerson, 1995). Therefore, purposive sampling resulted in a selection of 18 women who were biologically related, in- THE QUALITATIVE RESEARCH JOURNEY 27 terdependent, living in close proximity with frequent interactions, and who were willing to participate. 2. Although obtaining a sample of women from a wide range of developmental periods was not a specific goal, the following developmental periods across the life span were represented in this sample: Linda, Tabitha, and Scout represented women in late adolescence (16-20 years old); Kendra and Georgie were young adults (21-29 years old); Sam, Kelly, Katrina, Gina, Barb, Becky, and Morgan were all in mid-life (30-59 years old); and Sylvia, Diane, Rowena, Lois, Charlotte, and Meredith were older adults (60+ years old).

This process of building theory is: not just to work with a single case, then proceed to the next one and treat it as a separate case, and so on. Rather, [in grounded theory] we want to know what this case teaches us about other cases. We want to move from the specific to the more general. Therefore we use a case to open up our minds to the range of possible meanings, properties, dimensions, and relationships inherent in any bit of data. (Strauss & Corbin, 1998, p. 88) Family research includes several examples of grounded theory studies.

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