Larry W. Hughes's Current issues in school leadership PDF

By Larry W. Hughes

Present matters at school management examines controversies approximately, and affecting, tuition practices. targeting crucial questions - what's vital to modern-day tuition leaders? and what's interfering with education techniques? - it comprises chapters via a huge diversity of authors, with services on their particular subject. The textual content is equipped in 3 sections:*Social and Political Issues;*Curriculum and studying matters; and*Organization and administration Issues.The target of this article - designed for faculty management, academic management, and foundations of schooling classes - is to problem readers to think twice and severely approximately all of the matters provided, resulting in confident motion and management.

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Are fine arts pro­ grams and physical education really necessary, especially when there is a budget crunch? Of what real value are such programs? And the selection of 2 The opposite of gesselschaft is gemeinschaft. Gemeinschaft is at the other end of a con­ tinuum. It depicts a community wherein there are strong kinship ties and a general lack of special-interest groups. ) There is self-sufficiency and a strong sense of community identity. Of course, in any urban area one may find vestiges of the gemeinschaft.

In a rational sort of way, zero-tolerance policy convinces students that they will be punished severely if they misbehave, therefore it is a deterrence. Supporters of zero-tolerance policy will also cite research and anecdotal evidence that demonstrate that students become accustomed to the new expectations and strict responses to misbehavior that zero-tolerance policy introduces to schools. There is evidence that suggests that violence and criminality decreased across the United States after the implementation of zero-tolerance policy as both crime policy at the national level and school policy through the Gun-Free Schools Act.

The first two refer to violence prevention, the second two refer to disciplinary actions. • Make available and publicize mentoring and tutoring programs for all students. Have ongoing peer mediation, student support teams, and other forms of effective conflict-resolution programs. Encourage the study of character and social well-being in academic coursework, and give more time for counselors and teachers to get to know students. 28 CASELLA • Have students form a student government that represents the con­ cerns of all students to administrators.

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