Modern England, 1901-1984 (Conference on British Studies by Alfred F. Havighurst PDF

By Alfred F. Havighurst

This version completely updates the main finished bibliography of revealed books, articles, and traditional texts on England within the 20th century. in addition to England, there's enormous info on eire, Scotland, the Commonwealth and the colonies. All features of the interval are integrated other than literature in step with se and native heritage that's of constrained relevance. The ebook additionally comprises chapters on present bibliographies, catalogues, publications, handbooks and common surveys in addition to an index of authors, editors and translators. This instruction manual could be a useful gizmo for students and academics in any respect degrees, in addition to the final reader drawn to studying the interval extensive.

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Additional info for Modern England, 1901-1984 (Conference on British Studies Bibliographical Handbooks)

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No godsfcfprecious few heroes: Scotland, 1914-1980. 1981. Havighurst, Alfred F. Britain in transition: the twentieth century. 4th ed. Chicago, 1985. Originally, Twentieth-century Britain. 1962, 1966. Kellas, J. G. Modem Scotland: the nation since 1870. 1968. Lloyd, Trevor O. Empire to welfare state: English history, 1906-1967. 2nd ed. 1979. Lyons, F. S. L. Ireland since the famine. New York, 1971. Marriott, John A. R. Modern England: 1885-1945: a history of my own times. 4th ed. i960. Marwick, Arthur.

Robert Rhodes James. 1967. , 1935-58. Churchill, Randoph S. and Martin Gilbert. Winston S. , I-VI. , 1967-83. Accompany (663). Churchill, Winston Spencer. The world crisis, 1914-1918. New York, 19237, 4 vols. The aftermath (the world, crisis, 1918-1928). New York, 1929. Copious documents. See also Robin Prior, Churchill's World Crisis as History. 1983. Secret Session Speeches. Comp. Charles Eade. 1946. Five speeches during World War II not recorded at the time. The war speeches of the Rt. Hon.

324 325 Attlee, Clement, Earl Attlee. As it happened. 1954. A disappointing autobiography, especially on domestic affairs. Attlee is more perceptive in his The Labour Party in perspective. 1937. ). Ramsay MacDonald's political writings. 1972. 327 Barnes, George N. From workshop to War Cabinet. 1924. 328 Bealey, Frank. 'Negotiations between the Liberal Party and the Labour Rep12 POLITICAL HISTORY 301 Ehrman, John. , XI (1961), 101-15. Valuable comparative treatment. 302 Finer, Herman. 'The British Cabinet, the House of Commons and the war', Political Science Quarterly, LVI (Sept.

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