Download e-book for kindle: The Origin of the English Nation by H. Munro Chadwick

By H. Munro Chadwick

During this 1907 paintings, H. Munro Chadwick (1870-1947) re-examines the early heritage of the English country from a brand new standpoint. by means of education a philologist, he makes use of the instruments of ethnology, historical past, culture, language, customs, faith and archaeology, to appreciate how a few of the Germanic tribes proven themselves in Britain, founding new kingdoms. regardless of a virtually overall loss of English historic records from the interval, Chadwick makes use of a variety of historic and literary assets, from either side of the English Channel, which depended on oral traditions. by means of shut linguistic research he exhibits how the Saxon and different invaders retained shut cultural ties with their continental kinsmen. He exhibits that even though the darkish a long time could be imprecise as a result of loss of modern assets, cautious scholarly research of later texts can show greatly in regards to the historical past, tradition and society of the sooner interval.

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2 This remark applies to the Kentish Jutes as well as those of Hampshire. We shall see later however that the Kentish Jutes appear to have given up their national name very early, apparently before Bede's time. But Bede distinctly states that this was not the case with the Jutes of Hampshire. II] THE WEST SAXON INVASION 27 were unknown to him—in which case we can hardly avoid concluding that the annals are of earlier date than the Ecclesiastical History. But even in the latter case we have to account for the incompatibility of the two sets of statements.

The credibility of an event must therefore be judged independently of the date to which it is assigned. Let us take one typical case. Cynric is said to have fought against the Britons at Salisbury in 552. This date may be due to some calculation either by the author or by a later scribe. But the correctness of the date is one question; whether the battle ever took place is quite another. In regard to the latter point it seems to me by no means improbable that we have a genuine tradition. In historical times Salisbury (Old Sarum) seems to have been a place of no great importance until the latter part of the tenth century.

Bede's references to the story are as follows: In his Chronica Maiora (De Temp. Ratione, cap. D. 446), decided, with their king Vertigernus, to call in the Angli to assist them against the Scots and Picts. In § 489 he says that the nation of the Angli or Saxons arrived in Britain during the reign of Martianus and Valentinianus in three warships. They subsequently received reinforcements and, after expelling the enemy, turned their arms against their allies, alleging that they had not received adequate payment for their services.

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