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By Paul Henderson Scott

Few occasions in our historical past have had such lasting outcomes because the Union of 1707, however it is generally misrepresented and misunderstood. there isn't any stable explanation for this as the evidence are transparent from the bright and clever bills of lots of these concerned. it's a interesting and wonderful tale. Paul Scott, who has researched those modern debts for a few years, explains how the Union happened, mostly within the phrases of significant individuals who both made the Union or resisted it.

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Appendix, no. CIII. Coldingham, preface, p. xvi. E. Cambridge, ‘The Medieval Priory’, in D. O’Sullivan and R. Young, Lindisfarne: Holy Island (London, 1995), p. 70. Raine, North Durham, p. 79. 1300 27 region during the first half of his reign. In 1128, he transferred the Tironensians he had earlier settled at Selkirk to Kelso, uncomfortably close to Coldingham; and in the following decade he founded the Cistercian house at Melrose (1136) and the Augustinian canonry at Jedburgh (1138). To have a monastic cell at Coldingham that could rival, and indeed surpass, all of these new houses may have seemed a sensible means of defending St Cuthbert’s interests.

3r–4r; Kingsford, ‘First Version’, 463–5. 9 Kingsford, ‘First Version’, 462, 479–80; Riddy, ‘Hardyng’s Chronicle and the Wars of the Roses’, pp. 94–104. 10 Riddy, ‘Hardyng’s Chronicle and the Wars of the Roses’, p. 96; Riddy, ‘Glastonbury’, p. 318. 11 This verdict seems to hold true even where we might expect Hardyng to have been well informed. 13 There remains value, for instance, in Hardyng’s account of events in his own lifetime, especially where there is a northern connection. 14 With this type of connection, Hardyng was well placed to provide information (which must of course be treated with caution) on border affairs not found elsewhere.

Papedy’s fee was considerably enlarged: Flambard added to it the neighbouring township of Allerdean; and after Flambard’s death in 1128, but before 1135, Papedy acquired the township of Felkington, which was adjacent to both Ancroft and Allerdean. 8 Presumably it was intended that this enlarged fee, comprising three contiguous townships, should form a compact block of land strategically situated at the centre of the episcopal estate. In addition to Papedy’s, there were three other feudal fees at Heaton, Tillmouth and Ross, each held by the service of half a knight.

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